AWL Subject1 sentences

In this issue, you will find a wide range of diverse types of research.

Many academic journals try to accept articles that they think will be cited the most because a high-impact factor is a prize accomplishment for journals.

although we value these evidence reviews

So, we consider both quality and impact on hand therapy practice during the review process.

 the profession benefits from contributions made by scientists from other disciplines

 a hand therapy context is essential

The most pressing issues affecting practice are likely to be best defined by clinician scientists or researchers who have worked as a hand therapist.

our case studies and practice forums provide practical and clinical decision-making content specific to hand therapy practice.

We know that the profession requires a research foundation


  1. How is Mr. rinrin? I want to see your date!

  2. In the first example, "issue" means 号.
    academic journal = 学術誌
    high impact factor = 高いインパクトファクター
    articles that they think will be cited the most = 最も引用されると思われる論文
    The most pressing issues affecting practice = 実践を影響する最も差し迫った課題

    Please refer to the above to retranslate the examples.

  3. Hand it seems so interesting!

